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House of Testosterone: One Mom's Survival in a Household of Males is a book about being the only female in a houseful of guys: a husband, 3 sons, and a male dog! There's the difference in communications styles, the constant competition and sports, the bathroom humor, etc. , etc. Being the mom surrounded by guys is probably going to have an effect on you, and Sharon O'Donnell shares some anecdotes about this and how she survived being the sole female and yes -- appreciated those special relationships with her 'boys'. Of course, not all boys are the same, but Sharon writes about her own experiences that involved her sons and husband -- all rather stereotypical males. The women who are the same boat she is in know what she's talking about, and Sharon's writing resonates with many moms of boys. Hard copy published in 2007 & paperback in 2008. Houghton Mifflin did a second printing before the economy tanked in the fall, detrimentally affecting the publishing industry and book sales overall. 

 House of Testosterone humor book Media coverage

TV interview above with San Francisco ABC affiliate with Spencer Christian

Radio interview about book -
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Radio interview -
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Click Here for coverage of House of Testosterone 

including USA Today, NY Daily News & Parenting magazine

The Real Story Behind the Christmas Card Photo Shoot, 2005

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